You probably already know all about organic skin care, moisturizers, water intake and preventing wrinkles. But, did you know what you eat can have a profound effect on your skin? Your skin is the largest organ of the human body and like your many other organs its nourishment comes from your daily diet and water intake. Here are just a few foods that are good for your body and in particular your skin!


Ladies are especially going to love this little tidbit! It has come to the attention of experts around the globe that chocolate is actually good for your skin. Of course, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, just look at rain and floods! Research has shown dark chocolate, at least 70% cacao, will make your skin more hydrated and supple. As an added bonus, this type of chocolate is rich in antioxidants, which fight free radicals and can slow down the aging process.


Another antioxidant rich food is almonds, but that is not their only claim to fame. Consuming almonds before sun exposure has proven effective against burning. This is due to the high level of vitamin E they contain. Almonds are an all-around great staple to add to your daily routine.


You have heard of omega three fatty acids? One of the most important of those three is Eicosapentaenoic acid and fish is a wonderful natural source. This great little acid will block the release of enzymes induced by UV rays that destroy collagen and elastins in the skin. So, if you want to enjoy a little more sun exposure and prevent sagging or wrinkles add a little more fish to your diet and sunblock to your skin.


Tomatoes are an excellent source of lycopene another important element in the fight against sun damage. Ultra violet light rays release free radicals in your body, which can wreak all sorts of havoc, but lycopene keeps them in check. If you really want to get serious about fighting, free radicals eat your tomatoes cooked and reap the benefits of 16 milligrams of lycopene.

Sweet Potatoes

Vitamin C provides many benefits to the human body, not the least of which is collagen production. Collagen is the substance beneath the skin that gives you a full and smooth complexion and consuming just half a small sweet potato will provide 4 milligrams. One study showed just half a sweet potato per day for three years reduced the appearance of wrinkles by 11%.


Are you concerned about wrinkles and age spots? Downing half a teaspoon per day can significantly reduce irritation, redness, fine wrinkles and spots. This is due to the high levels of omega 3 fatty acids, which are wonderful age busters!

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